Born with one eyebrow arched?

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Employees, Leadership, Management, Marketing, SalesLeave a Comment

In the book Talking to Strangers, Malcolm Gladwell explores why we are so ready to believe people we don’t know. In the chapter on Bernie Madoff, he describes an interview between SEC investigator Peter Lamore and Madoff. Madoff explained that “essentially he could see around corners; he had an infallible ‘gut feel’ for when to get out of the markets just

What You See is Not Always True

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Leadership, Management, MarketingLeave a Comment

Harvey Mackey tells the story of a friend who was flying from San Francisco to Los Angeles. There was a 45-minute delay in taking off and then the plane had to make an unexpected landing in Sacramento. The flight attendants announced people could get off the aircraft if they would return in 30 minutes.

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Leadership, Management, Marketing, SalesLeave a Comment

Every organization needs radical honesty. The leaders who run them juggle innumerable demands, take massive action and push their limits every day. Being responsible for keeping a business solvent, people employed AND healthy is more challenging than ever. We often think it means we need to put on a show of strength, keeping our own struggles and insecurities to ourselves. But