Get off your keister!

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Employees, Management, Marketing, SalesLeave a Comment

Happy New Year!  I bet you’ve been told that dozens of times.  You’ve probably also been asked if you had a nice holiday the same number of times.

How come no one ever asks  

•What do you hope to accomplish this year?
•You’ve been talking about getting healthier, what will you do about it this year?
•What will you do this year that you intended to do last year, but didn’t?

People are willing to spend hours talking about inconsequential, superficial topics but not one minute talking about the reality in their lives.

Not me.

I wish you a prosperous and successful 2018.  But wishes without action are useless.

If you want your year to be successful and healthy
you’re going to have to work your keister off!

You’re going to have to accomplish more in 2018 than you did in 2017.  You’re going to have to be more efficient, make smarter decisions and work harder than you ever have, so that your efforts produce the results you’re seeking.

I know I’m going to.

And I know the members of Raven Roundtables will too.

If you’ve ever thought about joining a peer group, do it.  The numbers tell the story; of the members who have been with a peer group for a year or more …

•97% reported better decision-making ability
•75% reported higher revenues and profits
•71% reported better work/life balance

There are many quality peer groups out there.  Do your homework, pick one that seems to fit your style and give them a call.

The road is easier together,Linda

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