Who sits
at a Raven
Executive Roundtable?

leaders motivated to learn and to share
diversity of age, gender, ethnicity, experience
no speakers or sales pitches

Is there a seat for you here?



When markets change and personal milestones come up, you may need advice and guidance that you can no longer get from your usual network of sources.

Raven Performance Group meets business owners at the crossroads with a trusted group of peers who are as hungry for your knowledge as you are for theirs.

  • You’ll broaden your personal and business perspectives.
  • You’ll hone your skills through facilitated dialogue with professionals of diverse backgrounds.
  • You’ll enhance your skills with one-on-one coaching that includes a Clifton Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment.
  • The group’s insight along with their Strategic MAP are the tools you need in order to realize and sustain the full potential of your business


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Raven Roundtable meetings have become a regular, personal, and insightful advisory board review of my most important business issues and strategies.

This ad hoc Raven / Packard advisory board share their perspectives of my new and most vexing issues and keep me from reinventing the wheel. And most importantly, from making mistakes I might have made without this discipline.

Working on my business is as important as working in my business (my first rule of business).

Strategic Corporate Acquisition and Partner Search

Mike T - President
You have to admit, Saturday was not a nice day. It was cold and it was wet. It was the kind of day to curl up with a good book and Grandma’s quilt. Unfortunately, that wasn’t in the cards for me. My husband and I spent the day at the Gopher Rifle & Revolver gun range in Harris scoring targets
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My father is an active, energetic 87 year old. One of the things he’s always done and still enjoys is “making wood”. He burns wood for heat and he sells a few cords as well. Dad has always taken good care of his saws. The blades on his chainsaws (he has five in all) get sharpened and oiled regularly. I
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I used to think that being able to leave a voice mail for a customer was the next best thing to talking to that person. I used to think that the convenience of being able to send an email to a customer at any time, day or night was efficient.
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