Last Blog of 2022

Linda LaitalaAround The Table, Business, Management, WorkLeave a Comment

In my last blog of 2022, I want to thank all the people who have touched my life in so many ways. Thank you for joining me here each Thursday. It’s gratifying to have the opportunity to share thoughts and ideas with you. The new year is just a few days away. Is it just me or did 2022 seem

Have You Watered Your Customers Lately?

Linda LaitalaAround The Table, Business, Leadership, Management, Marketing, Sales, WorkLeave a Comment

A friend is engaged in a serious conversation with the United States Postal Service about why it is taking a package eight days to travel 400 miles.  To their credit, USPS is doing a commendable job of keeping her informed of their activity on her behalf. The product isn’t arriving any sooner, but the open communication does make it more