Make People Talk About You

Linda LaitalaAround The Table, Business, Employees, Leadership, Management, Marketing, Quotes, Sales, WorkLeave a Comment

The purchasing manager’s office wall was peppered with quotes on colored postcards. There were quotes about quality, pricing and appreciation. He enthusiastically explained that a supplier sends a quote-card every month as a thank you for doing business with them. He enjoys sharing them. What is it about you, your company or your product/service that would elicit such a positive

What Limiting Beliefs Do You Haul Around?

Linda LaitalaAround The Table, Business, Career, Leadership, Management, Marketing, Quotes, WorkLeave a Comment

Trevor founded a manufacturing company 20 years ago. The business continues to expand; the customer list now includes Fortune 500 companies. Professional groups have asked him to share his “secrets to success”, but he declines. Trevor secretly feels inferior to other owners, insecure because of his lack of formal education. Sarah was born to style hair, to make people look