I hear it in roundtables, read ads online and see signs in store windows; everyone is looking for help. Employers are offering high pay, signing bonuses and flexible hours.
So why do we know people who are reluctant to leave jobs they don’t like? With so much opportunity, why do some stay in jobs that make them unhappy? There are many reasons.
They love the benefits. It’s a double-edged sword some employers provide high salaries, a great health plan and retirement benefits but are hard to work for. Employees will stay even though they dread every day at work.
They have debt and need a reliable paycheck. It’s easy to buy on credit, and before some people realize it, they’re over extended. Even if they don’t like their job, they feel trapped by too much overhead. It’s unthinkable for them to shift their lifestyle.
They like their title. These people would rather stay in a job they don’t like and be Vice President of [fill in the blank] than be seen as something less. It’s about the prestige, contacts and perks.
They are risk adverse. The devil you know is better than the one you don’t know. It’s risky to go somewhere else, try something new and leave the comfort of their current routine.
They love to complain. Some people love to be miserable. They find joy in coming to work and declaring, “I hate Mondays!” They’ve learned to love their misery – they may talk about leaving, but they never will.
They fear making wrong move or being rejected. They are very concerned about the opinion other people have of them. The thought of trying something different and failing keeps them from even trying.
What about the other side of the coin; the people who enjoy their jobs. Why do they stay?
A survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association contains valuable insight into employee motivation.
67% | I enjoy the work I do |
57% | My job fits well with other areas of my life |
60% | The benefits |
59% | The pay |
56% | I feel connected to the organization |
51% | My job gives me the opportunity to make a difference |
40% | My manager |
Job satisfaction is not only important for employees, it’s important for companies. Employers who help employees feel challenged, engaged and part of something that makes a difference, reap the benefits of productive enthusiastic employees. Offering training and education fosters a culture where change is encouraged. When new employees see veteran employees happy it improves retention rates. And isn’t that what it’s all about?
The road is easier together,