Here are the top three answers from last month’s Around the Table question for August: “How often have members of your leadership team spoken to a customer in the last 90 days? For what reason?”
#1: If you’re not talking to your customers, they’re talking to someone! It needs to be emphasized over and over. I’m a big fan of regular communication and yet so many business owners find it difficult to go to them or even pick up the phone.
#2: If our staff went 90 days without talking to customers, we’d be out of business! We talk to customers every day and our employees are empowered to deal with any situation they encounter.
#3: Since I’m also the sales manager, I see and talk to them regularly. I asked two other key people how often they’d talked to customers. One spoke to a key customer five times in the last 90 days on various topics from production to collections and payment terms. Frankly, I was hoping to hear more about relationship building and customer relations.