One of the most valuable skills you can learn and one of the hardest to master is how to make good decisions. In my work with business owners I’ve seen many different techniques. Timothy Carter describes some of my favorites.
What to do, What to do
Americans typically make an average of 70 decisions every day. Business owners probably make many more.
Go, set the world on fire
Ignatius, the solider who founded the Jesuit Order, often ended his letters to his followers with the expression: ite, inflammate omnia – “Go, set the world on fire.” He wanted the Jesuit priests to be afire with passion and zeal in spreading the Gospel to the world.
Your Most Important Role – Growing People
There is more to creating a successful business than developing a plan and increasing revenues. Your most important role doesn’t involve numbers; your most important role is growing people.
How can we tell when we meet an “exceptional” person? Exceptional people thrive not because of what has been done to them, but how they reacted. They are self-aware, which allows for growth within themselves and others.
You Can’t Be What You Can’t See
The title of today’s Raven Cue is a quote by Marian Wright Edelman, Founder & President of the Children’s Defense Fund. “Children believe they can succeed when they have successful role models they can relate to.”
No One Did Anything Until an Extraordinary Leader Stepped Up
Natalie Gilbert was 13 when she won the promotion to sing the National Anthem at the Rose Garden, home of the Portland Trail Blazers basketball team. On the day of the game she woke up feeling sick, but she knew the show must go on. As she stood center court in front of 20,000 fans, she started singing.
Is friction a bad thing?
In the physical world, friction allows us to accomplish many everyday tasks: running, driving a car up a hill, even sitting on a chair. It’s a necessary part of our lives. But when we think of friction among people, most of us have learned to think of it as a negative force, a clash of wills or opinions that makes
Scary or Savvy Statistics?
Numbers may make your head swim, but numbers often tell a story more vividly than words.
Kittens and Experts – Lessons from Everyday Life
We recently replaced our front door as well as the timbers that were supporting it. About a month ago one of our outdoor cats had given birth to three kittens. The kittens are still shy around people. I warned my husband and the carpenter to be careful during the construction, to ensure no kittens got under the house as they would