Words Have Power

Linda LaitalaEmployees, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

On the dairy farm where I grew up, we all had chores to do. Every afternoon, we had to sweep the cows’ mangers in anticipation of their next feeding. This was a huge intrusion in the life of a 14-year-old.One afternoon, I’d just finished rushing through the task when my father walked in, looked at the slipshod job I’d done,

Eat That Frog!

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Career, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

In his book, Eat that Frog! Brian Tracy exhorts us to determine our most important goal and take care of that first. To achieve this, he lists “21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more things done faster.”

Where is Your Truth-Teller?

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

Twenty-five hundred years ago, Israel was in crisis. Corruption was rampant, even among priests and prophets. Jeremiah was the exception. He persisted in clearly telling leaders the truth about their wrong decisions. He warned that dire consequences would fall upon the nation if they stayed on this path. Despite Jeremiah’s messages, they abandoned their values.