I love it when someone challenges something I’ve written. My blog last week affected a few people so much they reached out to tell me what they thought. Some agreed with what I’d written and a few like Kim, told me I was wrong, wrong, wrong.
Have You Ever Won By Not Following The Rules?
That isn’t fair! How many times have we heard children cry indigently, “That isn’t fair!”? That’s how I felt about the 4th of July boat parade on Gilmore Lake.
Blue Zones Are Not About Pills Or Politics
Chances are you’re going to live a lot longer. If you’re a man living in the United States, your life expectancy is 76 years. If you’re a woman, it’s 81.
6 Business Lessons I’ve Learned From Charlie
April is Autism Acceptance Month. My nephew Charlie is intelligent, funny and a snappy dresser. He taught himself to read by the time he was four, loves the Green Bay Packers, fifties music and Andy Griffith TV shows. He is also autistic.
Have You Watered Your Customers Lately?
My husband is engaged in a serious conversation with the United States Postal Service about why it takes a package 8 days to travel 400 miles. To their credit, USPS is doing a commendable job of keeping him informed of their activity on his behalf. That positive activity doesn’t however get the product to his customer any faster, and the
Discipline, Accomplishment And Self-Worth
People procrastinate. Procrastination, distraction and being overwhelmed are usually signs of fear. They fear not being good enough, of being criticized or of being insufficient. Activities get postponed and moved from one To-Do list to another.
Motive, Means & Marketing
A friend of mine is a big fan of TV police shows. She delves into every story as investigators determine motive, means and opportunity. What was the reason behind the crime? Was a weapon used? Did anyone have cause? Scientific rigor is used in ferreting out all the information, checking alibis, access and witnesses. Adhering to a strict process is critical
Don’t Get Caught Without An Answer
When I owned Raven Machine and Tool, I made a list of companies I wanted on my customer list. Tennant was at the very top. They had a reputation for producing top quality products. They were loyal to suppliers, paid promptly and when potential customers saw you worked with Tennant they knew you were a good supplier.
No Succession Plan? It’s A Recipe For Disaster
I admit it. We didn’t have a succession plan for our business. We didn’t talk to our attorney or our CPA before we put our business on the market; we just talked to our broker who advised us to talk to our attorney and CPA. We were stupid-stupid-stupid and it cost us tens of thousands of dollars.
Graphs & Pie Charts – How do you spell B-O-R-I-N-G?
The beginning of each year brings a list of new goals for companies: • Increase sales • Control costsTags • Improve margins • Bring on # number of new accounts