NFTs, Cryptocurrency, AI, distributed cloud, hyper-automation. Do you understand or perhaps actually use some of this new technology? If you’re reading this on a computer you purchased within the past six months, you might be a change wolf.
On February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine. In the seven weeks that have passed, we have witnessed a modern country being reduced to rubble. We have seen women and children flee.
My Opinion – Your Opinion
While standing in line at a conference, I listened to the conversations around me. What I heard made me wonder about our evolving world. People seemed to either totally agree on a topic or totally disagree. There was little in the way of discussion or an exchange of ideas – only “yes or no”, “right or wrong”, and “crap or
Have you Read The Four Agreements?
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz, was published in 1997. One of the top-selling books in 2021, this small book reveals the self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy. The book offers a powerful code of conduct that can transform your life.
Be Thankful For
Every year the Raven Cue blog comes out on Thanksgiving. It is my tradition to list things I am especially thankful for this year.
Respect the Value of Hitting Brick Walls
Years ago, Lucy’s vehicle was broadsided by another car, slamming her into a brick wall. Lucy’s head bounced against hard surfaces. Although she didn’t know it at the time, her life as a driven, passionate, 4th Degree Black Belt instructor was over.
Did a Teacher Make a Difference in Your Life?
The electric cooperative board I serve on starts out each meeting with a thought-provoking question. School is starting soon, so the question this month was, “Who was your favorite teacher and why?”
Men and Their Friends: Just, Must, & Rust
My father, Gaylord Johnson, passed away this week, just six days shy of his 95th birthday. Old age, Covid-19, and pneumonia took him from us.
Merry Christmas
Christmas is a time to rejoice and share in the warmth of those dear to us. May your Christmas be filled with God’s love and blessings.
Seeking Richness in Our Days
More than ever, people are looking to the future. “When this is over, I’m going to…. or “When the time is right, I can’t wait to …”