Have You Ever Thought Things Were Just Too Tough?

Linda LaitalaBusiness, EmployeesLeave a Comment

Last week I had an appointment with Treavor.  When I asked him what challenges he faced as a business owner, the dam
opened and his frustrations poured out:   


  • I didn’t know being in business would be so hard.
  • My employees are driving me crazy, they want more money but they’re not willing to work overtime or put in any extra effort.
  • I need more people but I just can’t find any worth hiring.
  • I hate collecting money and some of my customers are slow to pay.
  • Another business just like mine opened across the street.  I don’t need the competition!
  • Government regulations are driving me up a wall; the paperwork I have to fill out is almost as heavy as the product I’m shipping!

Treavor’s parting comment was, “This is way harder than I thought it would be.  I’m going to close my business down, go to work for someone else and let them deal with all this b***s***.”

Treavor wasn’t facing any unusual challenges, he was experiencing what nearly every business owner goes through in the course of running a business.  He was feeling overwhelmed, overworked and out of control.

It takes persistence and hard work to keep a business thriving and growing.  It takes knowing your customers, delegating effectively, listening to employees, having a plan and finally watching the numbers.

If you want to see someone with real persistence, someone who didn’t give up when the going got tough, who endured and finally made it to the finish line, watch Bailey Matthews.  You will be humbled at how small your challenges really are.

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