I’m a fan of Alan Weiss. His newsletters are thought-provoking and insightful.
In a recent edition of the Million Dollar Consulting Mindset, he predicts a coming business boom. He reasons:
- “The second disease surge will have ended.
- The vaccine will be more and more widely available.
- Small businesses will receive more stimulus with a less divided Congress and small businesses are the biggest generators of the net, new jobs in North America.
- Strong industries and professions will continue to grow – health care, professional services, manufacturing, realty, finance.
- Boeing already has orders for the newly approved 737 Max, as an example of resilience.
- Both strengths and weaknesses are exacerbated in crises, and there has been a “cleansing” of weaker businesses.
- People with Covid “cabin fever” will boost even the travel and hospitality industries as they purchase vacations and family gatherings.
- The stock market is full of confidence and continues to climb.
- People are saving money, realizing that having too little cash on hand was disastrous for individuals and businesses.
- Consumer spending increasing, especially online.
- The presidential election is over and there will be a peaceful transfer of power to a new team.”
Weiss maintains we need to adapt to the times; more business and education will be accomplished remotely. Some industries need to be able to return to in-person contact to be productive.
This past year has shaken up “normal”. Those who understand that disruption will be ongoing will be more adaptable and less impacted by unexpected changes.
“Will you be a disrupter or among the disrupted?”
The road is easier together,

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