Goodbye 2019. Hello 2020!

Linda LaitalaManagementLeave a Comment

This is the time when we rehash the past year, calculating what worked and debating what didn’t go so well.  We can learn from past successes and missteps while preparing for the new year.  While you are thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions remember to include:


In order to take care of business, we need to take care of ourselves first.  Should you learn to meditate?  Have you ever considered keeping a journal?  Do you have family time planned?   A trip?  You’ll improve your focus, boost your productivity, and lower your risk of getting sick.


Personal Growth

We should always be open to learning new skills.  Are there new technologies you should be learning about?  New developments in your business?  One of the most effective ways to develop your leadership skills is to join a group of motivated leaders and CEOs to broaden your business perspectives, hone your skills, and share your frustrations.


Leading Better

Have a year-end/new year planning session with your team.  Take stock of what is and isn’t working in your business. Are meetings effective?  Is everyone being heard in team meetings? Are employees communicating with each other and you? Ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and create an environment where everyone can excel. Is there a need for training?


There is always opportunity for improvement!  A year from now, what would you like to have accomplished?


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