The purchasing manager’s office wall was peppered with quotes on colored postcards. There were quotes about quality, pricing and appreciation. He enthusiastically explained that a supplier sends a quote-card every month as a thank you for doing business with them. He enjoys sharing them.
What is it about you, your company or your product/service that would elicit such a positive response from a customer?
Here are some examples of companies that give people something to talk about:
Snapple – a friend’s teenager will only drink Snapple and they always read the “Real Fact” under the cap.

Dove Chocolate has a message on the wrapper of every chocolate.

Even Hall Cough Drops have a “Pep Talk” on every wrapper.

What can you do to delight your customers? What positive experience would be worth sharing? I enjoy sending notes to congratulate business owners when they are mentioned in the media.
The road is easier together,
Linda Laitala, President
Raven Performance Group