Make People Talk About You

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Marketing, SalesLeave a Comment

I walked into a purchasing manager’s office and noticed his wall was peppered with quotes on blue postcards.  There were quotes about quality, pricing and appreciation. I asked about them and he enthusiastically explained that a supplier sends a quote-card every month as a thank you for doing business with them.  He even pointed out his favorite.   

What is it about you, your company or your product/service that would elicit such an enthusiastic response from a customer?

I began thinking about companies that people have talked about recently:

Snapple – a friend’s teenagers will only drink Snapple and they always read the “Real Fact” under the cap.

Dove Chocolate has a message on the wrapper of every chocolate.

Even Hall Cough Drops have a “Pep Talk” on every wrapper.

Companies that do things out of the ordinary get noticed.  They make that unusual experience part of their brand.
I enjoy sending notes to congratulate business owners when they are mentioned in the media.

What can you do to delight your customers?  What positive experience would be worth sharing?

The road is easier together,

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