More Than You Bargained For

Linda LaitalaBusinessLeave a Comment

more than you bargained for

Last weekend, Dad and I went to an auction, seeking a bed for his guest bedroom.  As happens at auctions, Dad couldn’t buy just a bed; he had to take the entire bedroom set.  He got more than he bargained for.  Anyone want a deal on a couple of dressers?

Getting more than you bargained for happens more often than you think. People acquire pets thinking they’ll be cute, warm and cuddly perfect companions.  That doesn’t always happen (watch the video).  Sometimes, they get more than they bargained for.

People who buy fixer upper houses dream of a stunning result for their efforts.  In this case the couple got more than they bargained for. (Watch the video.)

Passionate volunteers for a cause find themselves called upon over and over to donate time and even money for specific events.  (Watch the video.)  Often more than they bargained for.

A highly skilled employee accepts a job with your company.  Then you discover their negative attitude and sour disposition.  More than you bargained for.

People enjoying sunshine and the ocean when an unexpected wave washes over them.  More than they bargained for. (Watch the video.)

But then there’s the 17-year-old you hired part time who shows up every day on time enthusiastically performing her duties. More than you bargained for.

Or the employee who realized she made a mistake and worked two hours off-the-clock to make it right.  More than you bargained for.

You may have given a surprise gift to your child and discovered their reaction was more than you bargained for. (Watch the video.)

You volunteered with trepidation, for a mission project in a third world country. You were overwhelmed by the happiness and the warmth of the people you encountered.  More than you bargained for.

Has a customer raved that your product / service was so amazing, it was more than she bargained for?

What can you do to make that happen?
The road is easier together,

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