Kurt enjoys playing fetch with his new puppy, Max. He throws the ball as far as he can, and Max races after it, only slowing down to compensate for an unexpected turn. Sprinters call this “running through the tape”.
Have you ever watched some runners near the finish line and slow up in the final few steps? There’s something in us that clicks off the engine as soon as we know we’re going to make it to the end of the race. It’s human nature.
It’s even more impressive when you see a runner lean forward, pushing their hardest in those last seconds. Olympic runners put their heads down and plow forward pushing their hardest. It’s special and it elevates the elite competitors.
Forget caution. We all need to pursue our goals full tilt. You can always make midcourse adjustments like Max does. Life is short. We’re not here to dangle our toes in the water, we’re here to make waves.
What 2024 goals have you made progress on? What needs your time and attention? Like the runner who leans forward and gives his best burst of energy, give your all. Push into the task and don’t slow down.
The road is easier together,
Linda Laitala, President
Raven Performance Group