Linda here.
Roundtables are a great place to make you think outside the box and pick up new ideas.
A couple months ago, a business owner shared the “What Bugs You?” campaign she started in her manufacturing company.
She got the idea from Paul Akers and his Two Second Lean book. It was an opportunity to encourage employees to speak up about what bugged them about their work space so they could work efficiently in more pleasant surroundings.
She was amazed at how engaged her employees were in the process. They peppered her with ideas about things that could be improved. She wrote them down, took “Before” pictures and gave them the authority to make the changes. Here are some ideas that became reality due to the “What bugs you?” campaign.
- Wheels were mounted on table legs
- Walls were washed
- A curtain was hung on a window to control glare on computer screens
- Commonly used tools were organized in a dedicated area
- Drawers and shelves were labeled
Simple, inexpensive ideas; the program was successful beyond her wildest dreams. Before and after pictures were displayed to show progress. The company has started a 5S Program to build on their success.
A question as simple as “What bugs you?” can create improvement ripples that result in increased productivity and safety and higher employee morale.
So, what bugs you?
Learn more: Every day employees at FastCap are charged with improving one thing. Check out some of the ideas they’ve come up with.