Wring Your Hands or D.A.R.E

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

Everything is in flux.  People accustomed to commuting to offices are adjusting to working from home.  Families are trying to find new and creative ways of interacting and entertaining themselves.  Schools (from kindergarten through college) are attempting to find a balance between safety and education.

How do you manage all the uncertainty people are dealing with today?  Gather and evaluate information and advice from experts, then lead with D.A.R.E.

DecisivenessLeaders must be good decision-makers, but high-performance leaders stand out because of the speed and conviction of their decisions and the accuracy of their choices.

AdaptabilityAdapting boldly while letting go of the past sets successful leaders apart.  “We live in a volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, and disruptive world and no industry is exempt,” says Shani Magosky, founder of the LeaderShift Project.  “An effective leader serves as a role model and fosters an environment that attracts, motivates, develops, and retains resilient people.”


Reliability includes personal consistency, setting realistic goals, personal accountability, and organizational consistency.  It may be the most important of all traits because trust is about doing what you say you’re going to do.

EngagementSuccessful leaders move forward with intent; they translate their vision and goals in a way that helps people understand “the why”.  They motivate people by providing opportunities for them to learn and progress within an organization.

Some leaders thrive on turbulence, others long for more peaceful progression.  Whatever your style, wringing your hands and tearing your hanky will leave your employees without direction.  It’s more important than ever to act confidently and consistently.

The road is easier together,

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