We provide up-to-date relevant workshops for business owners and their teams.  Workshops are by invitation only and free to members.



Membership has its rewards.
As a member of a Raven Performance Group,  you have access to monthly live webinars and the entire webinar library.

It is not easy to carve out more time in your already busy schedule to stay current or ahead of the curve on important business practices. These webinars were created with all of that in mind.  Topics range from employment, training, leadership, best practices, technology, sales and productivity.

Each webinar is 45 minutes
-30 minute presentation by an expert in the field
-15 minute discussion and Q & A

Join us live each month or watch when you are able.


Looking for a handout from a workshop or seminar you attended in the past?  To access previous workshop information from 2017 and before go to the resources page.

Resources Page

I anticipate getting some accountability from the group which will make me more productive and pro-active in getting accounts.

Owner, No Employees, 1 Year Member

It has certainly helped with focusing on strategic vision, if it helps in finding the better/best path/road to the end of the journey, that’s worth a lot in my book.

Owner, 75+ Employees, Less than a year Member

Listening and taking the advice of my peers in my roundtable helped me understand the profit margins on different services and better align my pricing!

Owner, Less than 10 Employees, 2 Year Member

The most valuable thing I get from my Raven Membership; First, the map process. Secondly, I appreciate having the ability to chat through the things I am contemplating.

CEO, 50+ Employees, 8 year Member

My Roundtable membership allows me time to get out of the office to plan and set goals.  Makes me be more accountable to the things I need to do and get done.

Owner, Less than 10 Employees, 5+ Year Member

I value getting together each month and the frankness of my peers.

Owner, 20+ Employees, 10+ year member

My Roundtable membership allows me to add value to my peers by providing guidance.

CEO, 50+ Employees, 3 year member

I value the candid opinions, suggestions, and viewpoints of other members; and the accountability piece of committing to action.

Perspective – sometimes, when one is in the thick of things, it’s difficult to see the obvious. Members help with thinking outside the box.

I received invaluable advice on how to appropriately handle a situation involving a worker and worker’s compensation litigation – obviously saving additional legal fees for consultation!

CEO/Owner, 50+ Employees, 10+ year member

The road is easier together.  It’s a valuable opportunity to speak to peers who have the same type skin in the game as the decisions and problems I face.  I have become a better leader which has indirectly benefited my business financially as well.

COO/Owner, 50+ Employees, 3 year member

Brainstorming with and the support of fellow women business owners has been the most valuable part of my Raven Mastermind membership.

Owner, No Employees, Less than a year Member

It’s very valuable to me to hear the other members experience and challenges that they are having in their own businesses.  It’s valuable “been there, done that” kind of advice I receive and nice to know I am not alone.  I have learned to delegate more and am becoming a more well rounded person.

Co-Owner, 100+ Employees, 2 year Member

My Raven Mastermind Group helps me set goals and work towards them and my peers in the group hold me accountable to those goals.  It’s gratifying to see measurable and noticeable improvement in myself, my business and the other members.

CEO, Less than 5 Employees, 2 Year Member