We provide up-to-date relevant workshops for business owners and their teams. Workshops are by invitation only and free to members.
Membership has its rewards.
As a member of a Raven Performance Group, you have access to monthly live webinars and the entire webinar library.
It is not easy to carve out more time in your already busy schedule to stay current or ahead of the curve on important business practices. These webinars were created with all of that in mind. Topics range from employment, training, leadership, best practices, technology, sales and productivity.
Each webinar is 45 minutes
-30 minute presentation by an expert in the field
-15 minute discussion and Q & A
Join us live each month or watch when you are able.
Looking for a handout from a workshop or seminar you attended in the past? To access previous workshop information from 2017 and before go to the resources page.