7 Rituals That Build Success

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

The first 10 minutes of a movie is a hook that draws you into the story. Likewise, how you spend the first 10 to 30 minutes of your day determines how well your day will go.

Get enough restful sleep. You will be better prepared to face the morning and the day with the foundation of a well-rested body and mind. Getting six to eight hours of restful sleep helps you work, learn, and get along better with others.

Snooze your phone. If you start your day checking for messages you are cultivating a reactive mindset. Suddenly you’re defensive rather than peaceful and in control.

Count your blessings. Before you even step out of bed, give yourself a couple of minutes to smile and practice gratitude.

Simple rituals make a differencePatrick Lencioni recommends starting the morning with a five-minute stretch and five minutes of core exercises.

Make your bed. Tim Ferris, author, and podcast host has interviewed more than a hundred highly successful people with diverse skillsets and backgrounds. He always asks, “What’s your morning routine?” As a result, he has incorporated making his bed part of his morning ritual. Taking charge of simple tasks gives one a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Move your body. It can be a quick set of sit-ups, a simple yoga routine, or hitting the gym, starting your day with movement energizes the body and mind.

Eat a healthy breakfast. When you start your day with lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains, you’ll have more energy and more ability to focus and concentrate.

What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while. Taking time for yourself has an exponential impact on how well your day, your week and your life will go.

The road is easier together,

Time is precious. We are grateful you’ve chosen to spend some with us today.

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