Class reunions make us think about what our hopes and plans were at graduation compared to where we are now. I’ve attended several class reunions over the years – we have one every five years. It has been interesting to watch people move through their careers over time.
New research conducted by CEB, a Washington-based best practice insight and technology company looked not only at why people quit but when. “We’ve learned that what really affects people is their sense of how they’re compared with other people in their peer group or where they thought they’d be at a certain point in life.” Says Brian Kropp. “We focus on moments that allow people to make comparisons.”
People usually leave a job because they don’t like their boss, don’t see opportunity for growth or are offered a better gig somewhere else. However, when people leave is also thought-provoking.
Job hunting intensifies:
•Around work anniversaries – 6% to 9%
•Before birthdays (especially midlife milestones) – 12%
•After a class reunion – 16%
It’s not just what happens at work – it’s what happens in someone’s personal life that may influence when they decide to look for a new job.
Anticipating when people may leave could be a better way to deal with employees’ wandering eyes than waiting for one to get a job offer and making a counteroffer to get them to stay. (By the way, research shows that 50% of employees who accept a counteroffer will still leave within 12 months.)