When Tom Hanks received the Cecil B DeMille Award at the Golden Globe Awards, he shared an experience from his first professional job.
He and other interns were partying at night instead of preparing for the next day. The director wasn’t having it.
“He screamed at us,” said Hanks. “You know what your job is? You have got to show up on time, and you have to know the text, and you have to have a head full of ideas. Otherwise, I can’t do my job.”
His speech was full of other important life lessons, but those three are brilliant.
Show up on time
When you are responsible for the success of the business, waltzing in at 9:00 AM is not a recipe for consistent success. Showing up on time and excited to start the day says: “We’re all in this together.”
Know the text
What does it take for your business to be successful? You may think you know your company inside and out, but take a deeper look by using a tool called the Business Model Canvas. This chart describes nine essential building blocks including value proposition, infrastructure, customers and finances. You can download a free copy here.
Have a head full of ideas
Hanks says, “Bring anything. Try anything. They might not use it. If it stinks, they won’t use it. Am I right, Marty Scorsese?”
The best companies are successful because their employees are always seeking to try new things, to grow and to improve. Processes are helpful, but growth is stagnant if you always do things the same way. Take risks, break out of your comfort zone and embrace failure when it happens. Without new ideas, you won’t even get a chance to fail. Filling your head with ideas and encouraging everyone in your organization to do the same is a key to success.
There you have it: “Show up on time, know the text and have a head full of ideas.” If it worked for Tom Hanks, it will work for you.
The road is easier together,