5 Sad Reasons People Stay on Jobs They Don’t Like

Linda LaitalaBusinessLeave a Comment

I hear it in roundtables, read ads online and see signs in store windows; everyone is looking for help.  Employers are offering high pay, signing bonuses and flexible hours. So why do we know people who are reluctant to leave jobs they don’t like?  With so much opportunity, why do some stay in jobs that make them unhappy?  There are

It never gets easier, you just get better

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Employees, Management, Marketing, SalesLeave a Comment

I watched a couple training videos this week.  The phrase “It never gets easier, you just get better,” was repeated over and over. No matter what you are trying to improve, this is a great mantra.  It’s all about change, taking risks, adapting to changing conditions and staying on top of your game.  It’s about pushing yourself to achieve ever