Be Kind, Candid and Clear

Linda LaitalaAround The Table, Employees, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

Be Kind, candid and clear

Have you ever thought; “being in business would be so much more fun if I didn’t have to deal with people issues.” Suzanne has. She was referring to a long-term, valuable employee who took frequent smoke breaks, gossiped with other employees, and took two to four days off every month with little or no notice.  Time off is covered by the company’s

Should you dust off your cape?

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

Should you dust off your cape?

Halloween superhero costumes outsold princess costumes in 2022, the first time in 11 years! It was about time. Dressing up as a princess means little girls can wear a crown and a pretty dress. But princesses mostly wait around looking for someone else to solve their problems, like a knight on a white horse. They have no real power to change

Strategy versus Tactics

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Leadership, Management, WorkLeave a Comment

Strategy vs Tactics

In the world of competitive advantage, strategic thinkers win the war, tactics win battles. Joe runs a profitable company, providing value to his customers. He did not achieve this on-going success with only luck and hard work. He focused strategically on his goals. He purposely set out to be the best. He was early in utilizing computers to control and measure processes.

Limiting Beliefs

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Management, Quotes, WorkLeave a Comment

Limiting Beliefs

Mark Twain was fond of saying, “When a cat jumps on a hot stove, he’ll never jump on a hot stove again. He’ll also never jump on a cold stove.” Twain was pointing out something we humans do regularly. To save time and effort, we use one or a few “facts” to make a quick judgement. The tendency to overgeneralize is

Does integrity matter?

Linda LaitalaAround The Table, Business, Employees, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment


A Roundtable member, Sarah, is growing her successful real estate business. She recently hired a new member for her team. John was intelligent, energetic, and hungry to be successful, all traits she was seeking. But to Sarah’s dismay, she just learned that John signed up with someone else, and to make matters worse, went behind her back attempting to recruit

Why do you want to boil the ocean?

Linda LaitalaAround The Table, Business, WorkLeave a Comment

Wally is smart, savvy, and like other Raven Roundtable members, enjoys sharing his hard-won wisdom. He purchased a small manufacturing plant, growing it into a $15 million company in 5 years. In a recent CEO Roundtable meeting, he listened as John shared his plans for transforming his company by bringing on a new and very different product line. Wally couldn’t

What bugs you?

Linda LaitalaAround The Table, Business, Employees, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

A Roundtable member recently shared the “What Bugs You?” campaign she started in her company. The focus was to encourage employees to be honest regarding what bugged them about their workspace: were there changes that would enable them to work more efficiently? She was amazed at how engaged her employees were in the process. They peppered her with ideas on

My seven expectations of you

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Career, Employees, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

Who comes to mind when you think of famous business leaders? Warren Buffett?  Indra Nooyi? Bill Gates?  Sheryl Sandberg? Each leads a great organization and has changed lives. My vote goes to an individual closer to home. He helped shape the culture at East Central Energy, and his legacy of leadership continues. Steve Shurts was the CEO of East Central Energy for 10 years. When

Business Lessons in Junior High

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Career, Employees, Marketing, Sales, WorkLeave a Comment

In seventh grade, I learned one of my most important business lessons: the benefits of clearly communicating a message to an audience. Picture a geography class full of 13-year-olds. Our assignment was to create a diorama about building the pyramids. We were divided into teams, given a shoe box and our assignment. My team was diligently painting and gluing, all

Why we celebrate July 4th

Linda LaitalaBusinessLeave a Comment

The Declaration of Independence located in the upper level of the National Archives Museum, was written and signed 247 years ago by 56 men who pledged “our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.” They knew they could be put to death for treason. This document is a symbol of what America stands for. Thomas Jefferson intended the Declaration to be “an expression of the American mind,” and it was written in terms