
Linda LaitalaBusiness, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

How can we tell when we meet an “exceptional” person? Exceptional people thrive not because of what has been done to them, but how they reacted.  They are self-aware, which allows for growth within themselves and others.

Is friction a bad thing?

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Employees, Leadership, Management, MarketingLeave a Comment

In the physical world, friction allows us to accomplish many everyday tasks: running, driving a car up a hill, even sitting on a chair. It’s a necessary part of our lives.  But when we think of friction among people, most of us have learned to think of it as a negative force, a clash of wills or opinions that makes

Rawhide and Processes

Linda LaitalaBusiness, ManagementLeave a Comment

Process – a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.  The clearer the process, the more efficient the operation.  Thriving businesses depend on successful processes.

Time and Priorities

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Employees, Management, Marketing, SalesLeave a Comment

During a play in New York City about gang violence, a cell phone rang in the audience.  Thoughtlessly, the man answered it.  He was hunched over talking when one of the actors walked over, pointed the prop gun at him and said, “Give me the phone!”  Sheepishly the man handed it over.  The audience erupted in applause. 

5 Sad Reasons People Stay on Jobs They Don’t Like

Linda LaitalaBusinessLeave a Comment

I hear it in roundtables, read ads online and see signs in store windows; everyone is looking for help.  Employers are offering high pay, signing bonuses and flexible hours. So why do we know people who are reluctant to leave jobs they don’t like?  With so much opportunity, why do some stay in jobs that make them unhappy?  There are