My Opinion – Your Opinion

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Career, Leadership, Management, Uncategorized, WorkLeave a Comment

While standing in line at a conference, I listened to the conversations around me. What I heard made me wonder about our evolving world. People seemed to either totally agree on a topic or totally disagree. There was little in the way of discussion or an exchange of ideas – only “yes or no”, “right or wrong”, and “crap or

A Dull Saw Makes a Dull Jill

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Career, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

Is your saw dull? For me, attending an energy conference last week was like a Hershey bar to a chocoholic – necessary and tasty. Thought leaders shared their knowledge on hot topics including leadership, rural versus urban populations, politics, and our ability to shape energy policy.

Eat That Frog!

Linda LaitalaBusiness, Career, Leadership, ManagementLeave a Comment

In his book, Eat that Frog! Brian Tracy exhorts us to determine our most important goal and take care of that first. To achieve this, he lists “21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more things done faster.”