My family attends a sweet little Methodist church in my hometown. I enjoy attending when I am visiting on a Sunday.
Having A Grease Gun That Doesn’t Work Is Worse Than…
My husband and I were chatting over dinner about what he’d accomplished that day. He commented, “Having a grease gun that doesn’t work is worse than having no grease gun at all.”
What’s Your Perspective?
What do you see when you look at your business: the same machines, the same equipment, the same people performing the same duties?
Should You Always Keep Them Close?
Janelle, owner of a successful family business, was thrilled that her daughter Beth had joined the family business right out of college. Things were going well, and Janelle had visions of Beth eventually taking control of the business “when the time was right”.
Change One Thing
Sean, Bill, and Jared are neighbors: on the surface, they seem very much alike. Each is married, of average health, height, and body weight, and earning $75,000 a year. It’s their attitudes that set them apart.
Do You Need A Think Week?
Twice a year, for nearly two decades, Bill Gates has gone into seclusion for seven days to think about big problems. He contends some of his best work has come from these “Think Weeks”.
Your Amazing Brain
Your phenomenal brain is three pounds of remarkable matter; it’s capable of amazing feats.
Are You Hovering, Hovering, Hovering?
We’ve heard the term “helicopter parent,” a reference to moms and dads who constantly hover over their children, never giving them the opportunity to make their own decisions or mistakes, swooping in to save the day when things become the least bit challenging.
What Inspires Loyalty?
Building loyalty requires creating value in the very fabric of your business – excellent products supported by dedicated, trustworthy, sincere team members.
Does Your Team Practice Diverse Thinking?
When we consider diversity in the workplace, we often react negatively, thinking of being required to hire xx% of employees representing different races and ethnic backgrounds.